
Editha Mshiu

Founder's Vision: Freshpack Technologies was born out of a visionary pursuit by our founder, Editha Mshiu. With a passion for horticulture and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by vegetable vendors in Tanzania, Editha set out to make a difference. Her four years of experience as a horticultural expert equipped her with the knowledge and insight needed to address a pervasive issue: post-harvest vegetable loss.

Editha Mshiu – A Pioneer in Horticulture: Editha, our CEO, is not just a leader; she is a pioneer in the field of horticulture. Her journey began with a commitment to empowering women in the vegetable sales sector. Editha envisioned a solution that not only preserved vegetables effectively but also transformed lives by preserving livelihoods.

From Concept to Reality: Editha's vision materialized in the form of Freshpack's patented smart fabric technology. Inspired by the human body's cooling system, this innovation has the power to revolutionize vegetable preservation in Tanzania and beyond. It reflects Editha's dedication to finding sustainable and impactful solutions to challenges that disproportionately affect women.


Building a Dynamic Team

Recognizing the need for a multidisciplinary approach, Editha brought together a team of experts who share her passion for positive change. Elia Varisanga, our technical expert, has spent years working with vegetable farmers, bringing invaluable technical insights. Shaina Mlunga, responsible for marketing, adds a year of valuable experience to the team. Together, they form a powerhouse of dedication and expertise.

Elia Varisanga - Technical Expert:

Elia Varisanga, our technical expert, brings a wealth of experience working directly with vegetable farmers. With a keen understanding of the intricacies of agricultural practices, Elia plays a crucial role in the development and implementation of Freshpack's innovative technology. His technical insights and dedication to improving agricultural processes contribute significantly to the effectiveness and practicality of Freshpack's solution.

Shaina Mlunga - Marketing Manager:

Shaina Mlunga, our Marketing Manager, is a seasoned professional with a year of valuable experience. Her strategic approach to marketing and communication plays a pivotal role in bringing Freshpack's vision to a wider audience. Shaina is passionate about creating awareness and fostering connections that go beyond just promoting a product – she believes in telling the story of Freshpack and its impact on communities, women, and the environment.

Things we believe in

  1. Empowerment: We believe in empowering women by providing sustainable solutions that safeguard their livelihoods in the vegetable sales sector.

  2. Innovation for Impact: We believe in the power of innovation to create meaningful and positive change, addressing real-world challenges and transforming industries.

  3. Sustainability Matters: We believe in conducting business responsibly, with a focus on environmental sustainability and responsible consumption and production.

  4. Community Engagement: We believe in actively engaging with communities, understanding their needs, and working collaboratively to implement solutions that make a lasting difference.

  5. Transparency and Integrity: We believe in conducting our business with transparency and integrity, building trust with our partners, customers, and stakeholders.


Let's use this Together - join us!